Srinagar:The officer who led the operation that eliminated Hizbul Mujahideen commander Burhan Wani will receive Police Medal for Gallantry from President Ram Nath Kovind on Republic Day. A 2008 batch IPS officer, Abdul Jabbar is among the 409 gallantry awardees.
On July 8, 2016, acting on an intelligence input, Jabbar, the then SSP of Anantnag, led a team of police personnel that killed Wani.
Wani was the poster boy of militancy in Kashmir. He was known to be active on social media, brandishing pictures with weapons to attract militants into his fold. Jabbar was moved out of J&K later.
After Wani's death, massive unrest took place in the Valley for almost six months. More than 100 civilians were killed across the Valley in clashes that followed.