New Delhi: Even after 30 years since the then Prime Minister VP Singh announced granting 27 per cent reservation to the Other Backward Class (OBC), the community is still deprived of its actual benefits, said Rajeev Yadav, general secretary of an NGO Rihai Manch.
"In the Census 2021, the current government don't want to count the number of people who fall under the category of OBC because they know that if they revealed the actual data then their political propaganda will get burst as it happened when the Mandal Commission came into force," Yadav told ETV Bharat.
He said that if the actual data of OBC's comes out through the Census 2021, then the particular class will also demand for actual reservations like the SC/STs and the government knows that it won't be able to do so.
The Modi government had given assurances that a separate OBC column would be added into the Census 2021. But, a week before when the Census pre-test was to start from August 12, 2019, senior officials of the Union Home Ministry had said that there will be no enumeration of OBCs in the Census 2021.
However, on July 14, the parliamentary committee on welfare of OBCs had recommended to count the number of people belonging to this category.
Government sources have also confirmed that the same requests been forwarded by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment to the Union Home Ministry and the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India.