New Delhi: A total of 2,361 people have been evacuated after 36 hours of extensive evacuation exercise at Nizamuddin Markaz, the Delhi headquarters of the Tablighi Jamaat. But, it was National Security Advisor Ajit Doval who convinced Maulana Saad, head of Nizamuddin Markaz to vacate the Markaz building.
According to home ministry officials, the NSA reached around 2.00 am on March 28-29 and meet Maulana Saad and convinced him to get the Tablighi Jamaat people staying inside the Banglewali Masjid to be tested for COVID-19 and be quarantined.
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The evacuations started on Monday amid a nationwide search for suspected coronavirus cases after more than 200 people who had attended a large gathering at the Nizamuddin Markaz building tested positive for the virus. The Home Ministry has warned the states about members of the Tablighi Jamaat, spread across the country is a potential carrier of COVID-19.
In a letter sent to state chief secretaries and police chiefs, the Home Ministry said the foreigner who is a part of any tablet team may be thoroughly screen in the context of COVID-19 and quarantined or hospitalized.
Tablighi Jamaat had organised a three-day congregation from March 8-10 at the Nizamuddin Markaz, which has now emerged as one of the biggest hotspot of the novel coronavirus in the country.