Hyderabad: Everyday rapes and crimes against women make headlines in India. Be it the alleged gang rape and murder of a 19-year-old Dalit woman in UP's Hathras or 27-year-old in Bihar's Buxar or minors allegedly raped in Rajasthan and MP. There is no end to it. Where does our country stand in terms of women safety? What has the government done to ensure women security in India? The answer is the Nirbhaya Fund. According to the data provided by the Women and Child Development Ministry, the centre has released an amount of over Rs 3,024 crore under the Nirbhaya fund out of which states have utilised around Rs 1,919 crore.
The Nirbhaya Fund was created to be utilised for projects specifically designed to improve the safety and security of women in public places. The key schemes under which the states have been allocated money include emergency response support system, central victim compensation fund, cybercrime prevention against women and children, one-stop centre scheme, Mahila police volunteers and universalisation of women helpline scheme.
The Nirbhaya fund was set up in 2013 by the UPA government to improve the safety and security of women in the aftermath of the brutal gang rape of a 23-year-old paramedic student in December, 2012 in a moving bus in Delhi. But unfortunately, not even 50 per cent of the total fund amount has been utilised by the states. You will be shocked to know that there are states and UTs where funds are lying unused.
Now, let's get a clear picture that which states have utilised the fund and which have lagged behind. Best performing states are Uttarakhand, Mizoram, Chhattisgarh, Nagaland and Haryana.
Worst performing states are Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Delhi Tamil Nadu and West Bengal.