Mumbai: The Shiv Sena on Thursday lamented that the execution of convicts in the 2012 Nirbhaya gang rape and murder case has been being delayed due to "loopholes" in the judicial system.
Hope people will not lose faith in the judiciary because of the delay in implementation of punishment of the convicts who are facing the gallows in the Nirbhaya case, an editorial in Sena mouthpiece ''Saamana'' said.
The execution of the death warrants of the four convicts - Mukesh Kumar Singh (32), Pawan (25), Vinay Sharma (26) and Akshay Kumar Singh (31) - has been deferred thrice so far due to delays by them in exhausting legal remedies. All the convicts in the case are to be hanged together.
The Shiv Sena said courts must have been "bound" by provisions of the existing laws. But, the implementation of punishment to the culprits should not be delayed when the country's top court has upheld the hanging of the accused.
The President rejected their mercy petitions, their death warrants were issued and the date and time of the hanging were finalised, the Marathi daily noted.
"The loopholes in the existing laws should not come in the way of implementation of the death sentence. Such unfortunate developments shouldn't happen," it said.
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