New Delhi: An NGO on Thursday moved the Supreme Court (SC) seeking a direction to CBSE and the Delhi government to waive examination fees for students of classes 10 and 12 in the current academic year in view of ongoing pandemic and consequent financial problems being faced by parents.
The NGO, 'Social Jurist' has filed the appeal before the top court against the September 28 order of the Delhi High Court asking the AAP government and the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) to treat the PIL as a representation and take a decision in accordance with law, rules, regulations and government policy applicable to the facts of the case within three weeks.
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The appeal said that due to lockdown and pandemic, the income of parents has either disappeared or has gone down to such a level that it has become difficult for them to arrange even two times meal for their families.
It said the high court's order has resulted into denial of relief to 30 lakh students in the country and three lakh are in Delhi alone.