New Delhi: In a 'non-political' conversation with Bollywood Actor Akshay Kumar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday revealed that he never thought of becoming Prime Minister of India.
Modi said it was unnatural how his life panned out "I never thought I would become the prime minister. My mother would have been even happier had I got a good job. She would have distributed sweets," said Modi in an interview with Akshya Kumar that was released to the media on Wednesday.
Earlier on April 23, Akshay Kumar had said that he would have a "candid and completely non-political" chat with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
The 51-year-old star took to Twitter to announce that his conversation with the prime minister will be a "breather" in election time.
"While the whole country is talking elections and politics, here's a breather. Privileged to have done this candid and COMPLETELY NON POLITICAL freewheeling conversation with our PM @narendramodi," Kumar wrote on the microblogging site.
Modi replied to the tweet, saying, "Dear @akshaykumar, it was good talking to you about everything, except politics and elections :) I'm sure people would like watching our conversation."
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