Chennai: Amid controversy over popular Tamil actor Vijay Sethupathi donning the role of cricketer Muthiah Muralidaran, the latter has appealed to the actor to bow out of the project considering film career. Vijay Sethupathi confirmed that he has pulled out of 800, Muttiah Muralidaran 's biopic. "Everything is over," the actor said when asked to explain his tweet thanking the cricketer's request to drop out of the project to protect his acting career. He met the media after he called on Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswami and paid respects to deceased Thavusayammal, mother of CM.
Vijay Sethupathi (VSP) tweeted 'Nandri Vanakkam', (meaning - 'Thank You. Greetings' a common way of greeting while parting) hinting that he would quit the project.
In his statement, the cricketer maintained that he does not want the artist Vijay Sethupathi to suffer due to this project. "To ensure that this does not affect the future journey of Vijay Sethupathi, I request the actor to quit the project", Muralidaran said in a statement dated Oct 19.
While thanking those who stood by him and Vijay Sethpuathi in testing times, the cricketer noted that the production crew has assured him that the biopic which is expected to encourage the troubled youth will see the light of the day soon. The decision of Vijay Sethupathi is welcomed by most of the leaders including VCK MP Thol Thirumavalavan and several other pro-Tamil leaders.
The first look and motion poster of the cricketer's biopic - 800 kicked up a storm across the Tamil diaspora living across the world and in Tamil Nadu, most of them requesting the actor to reconsider his decision to play Muralidaran. Muralidaran who is currently in a bio-secure bubble setup in UAE for this year's IPL is busy as the head coach of SunRisers Hyderabad.