Bellary: In an interesting development that is against democracy, the Grama Panchayat members of Bailuru village have been selected allegedly through a bidding process that witnessed the positions going for a whopping Rs 51 lakhs. Instead of conducting the elections as per the norms, the total 26 seats in the grama panchayat were sold at the cost of Rs 2 to Rs 5.7 lakh each and the villagers unanimously selected the panchayat members who succeeded in the bids.
Sources said that the bidding process, held in front of the Maramma temple, closed at an estimated cost of Rs 51,20,000. Bailuru village falls under the jurisdiction of the Sindigeri grama panchayat of Kurugodu taluk in Bellary district.
When District Panchayat Chief Executive Officer Nandini learnt the incident, she has directed Raghavendra Rao, Tahsildar of Kurugodu to investigate the matter. The CEO has also to file a case against all prospective bidders.