Speaking exclusively to ETV Bharat, former CPIM MP and general secretary of All India Kisan Sabha Hanan Mollah said that this budget seems to be an immoral one.
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"This was used for electoral purposes and these schemes have to be implemented by the incoming government so it makes no sense for the government to announce these things right now", Mollah said.
Further, accusing the Modi government of giving a lollipop to the farmers, Mollah stated that this happens to be a very cruel joke.
"Modi government promised rupees 15 lacs to everyone and now they are giving the farmers rupees 15 per day, this is not going to solve anything", he stated.
Modi is trying to give lollypop to farmers, says Hanan Mollah Questioning the move, the seven time MP from CPM stated that in states like Maharashtra there are many farmers who have more than 2 hectares of land and still they are poor, they wouldn't even get any benefit from this step as it will help only a small section of farmers.
"The farmers plight cannot be addressed until the two important demands of one time loan waiver and guaranteed procurement at one and half times the price is met",Mollah added.
Although the Congress party slammed the budget on Friday, former prime Minister Manmohan Singh admitted that this budget could affect the polls.
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When ask the Communist party's stand on this, Mollah reacted that the government has clearly use this budget which is only for 3 months for the election polls and some people might be misled but majority of farmers would understand that the government is just trying to give them a lollypop.
"Modi promised Rs 15 lakhs to everyone, now giving farmers a lollypop of Rs 15 per day", he concluded.