Rajasthan: With the ruling Congress in Rajasthan on Thursday shifting all its MLAs to a private resort in Jaipur ahead of the June 19 Rajya Sabha polls, the party secretary Vivek Bansal said the move is meant to send a message to the BJP not to make "unnecessary attempts". On the reports of BJP attempting to topple the state government, Bansal said that the Congress party's "fort in the state in impenetrable."
"There is no fear within the party. But keeping them (MLAs) all together is a good way to keep all doubts at bay while sending a message to the Opposition not to make unnecessary attempts. Everything is under control and all our MLAs are safe. All this is being done to send a message to the Opposition," Bansal told ETV Bharat.
On Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot alleging that the BJP was making “lucrative offers” of crores of rupees to the Congress legislators to change sides, the Rajasthan co-incharge said, "BJP has unlimited amounts of money in its coffers. BJP is out of control and thinks that it can buy anything and anyone with money. Those who share ideological ties with a party cannot be bought with money."
On Congress' collapse in Madhya Pradesh following the defection of 22 MLAs to the BJP in March this year and the possibility of similar scenes playing out in Rajasthan, Bansal said, "We were in power in Madhya Pradesh but they broke the party into two. But so far as Rajasthan is concerned, I am confident that the Opposition will not succeed in its attempts."
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When asked about their future course of action, Bansal said that the party would figure out a strategy after holding talks with Congress general secretary K.C. Venugopal who is expected to visit the state soon. "We are likely to hold a meeting with KC Venugopal in the evening if he manages to arrive today and accordingly we will figure out our future strategy," added Bansal.