Alappuzha: A police complaint was filed on Sunday against Aroor MLA Shanimol Osman for posting a map of the country without Kashmir, along with her Independence Day wishes on August 15.
The complaint was lodged by the CPI(M) Aroor unit.
"We received the complaint against the MLA and we are looking into it," district police chief P S Sabu told.
The CPI(M), in a statement, said Osman has violated the Constitutional oath by publishing a map without a part of Kashmir.
However, the Facebook page administrator of her Facebook page put out an apology saying the map without Kashmir on it was a mistake.
"The map published was taken from the Wikipedia page along with side the information from Demographics of India section. When it was copied, only the coloured part got selected, making it an incomplete map," the post read.
The administrator also clarified in the post that the map was removed as soon as it came to the notice of the MLA and that it was not a deliberate mistake as it was made out to be.
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