During the lockdown, Employ your time efficiently by learning a new subject or enhancing your existing skills. As per a tweet by Ministry of Human Resources and Development (HRD) of India has started a number of online courses. Spend time in online learning during the lockdown period.
Ministry of HRD tweeted about the online courses:-
SWAYAM is a programme initiated by government of India and designed to achieve the three cardinal principles of Education Policy viz. Access, Equity & Quality. Hop on to NPTEL by SWAYAM which has plenty of course options to choose from. Good news for students and learners who enrolled for these courses in the month of Januray 2020, they are eligible to continue their learning. Login for more information; www.swayam.gov.in
The Swayam Prabha is group of 32 DTH channels devoted to telecasting of high quality educational Programmes on 24X7 basis using the GSAT-15 satellite. Everyday fresh content will be there for 4 hours and repeated 5 more time. Students can choose the time of their convenience. The channels are uplinked from BISAG, Gandhinagar. the contents are provided by NPTEL, IITs, UGC, CEC, IGNOW, NCERT and NIOS.
The content will be around curriculum based courses of under graduate and post graduate levels on various subjects like law, medicine, engineering etc. 9-12 school level teachings will also be covered. content for Indian citizens in India and Abroad will also be there. Log in for more information; www.swayamprabha.gov.in
National Digital Library can be used by both school and college students. One can also search by subjects/source and continue to learn. Log in for more information; www.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in