New Delhi: Two Indian Air Force pilots, Squadron Leaders Siddharth Vashisht and Ninad Mandavgan, who were killed in the Mi-17 chopper crash in Budgam (Jammu and Kashmir) due to own missile fire on 27 February 2019, have been awarded the Vayu Sena Medal for gallantry posthumously on Republic Day.
The four other IAF personnel who were on board the chopper, including flight engineer Vishal Kumar Pandey, Sergeant Vikrant Sehrawat, Corporals Deepak Pandey and Pankaj Kumar -- have been awarded 'Mention-in-Despatches' (MID) posthumously.
The six personnel on board the chopper were killed after being hit by the SPYDER air defence missile system in Budgam near Srinagar. In addition to the six IAF personnel, a civilian was killed on the ground.