New Delhi: The Home Ministry on Monday asked the Railways to start running at least 100 special trains per day for the next few weeks to ensure the return of migrant workers to their native places, an official said.
Addressing a press conference, Home Ministry Joint Secretary Punya Salila Srivastava said the ministry held a meeting with the nodal officers of Railways and State Governments on Monday.
"It was emphasised that at least 100 trains should be run daily for the next few weeks to ensure return of migrant labourers," she said.
Srivastava said the Home Ministry in a letter to the state government has urged to ensure that no migrant labourer should be allowed to travel by foot on the roads or railway tracks.
"If they are found travelling by foot on road or railway tracks adequate efforts should be made to arrange bus or train for them. Till the arrangement is made, the labourers should be taken to the nearest shelter home and sufficient arrangements for food, etc. be made for them," she said.
Srivastava said so far 468 such special trains have been run in which a total of over five lakh people have travelled, with 101 trains running on Sunday alone.
The train services, which were completely stopped in the country in the wake of the COVID 19 outbreak, will resume in a phased manner from Tuesday with 15 special trains departing from the New Delhi station for different destinations, she said.
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The Home Ministry has issued an exhaustive standard operating procedure under the Disaster Management Act to avoid any spread of coronavirus during train travel, she said.