New Delhi: Tata Group Chairman Ratan Tata on Tuesday shared a heartwarming video advertisement of sanitation workers, where a boy is seen saying: "Mera baba desh chalata hai".
The video starts with a poem recital scene in a school where a schoolboy starts talking about his father.
"Nahi hai neta par desh ko vo chalata hai, vo doctor bhi nahi hai par vo rog bhagata hai. Mera baba desh chalata hai. Vo police main bhi nahi hai, lekin desh ki gandagi mitata hai. Vo army main bhi nahi hai par jung ladke aata hai. Mera baba desh chalata hai".
He continues by saying what would happen if his father would stop going to work, "Bachche school nahi pahunchenge, naahi doctor hospital."
As the post went viral, social media went abuzz with reactions.
A user wrote, "Great video shared by the greatest man. @ratantata thanks for sharing this video to bring awareness amongst us. Thank you so much sir that you are doing these things such as bringing awareness and making NGOs for the poor. Hats off to you."
Another wrote: "Oh my God... so sad this is… and true also."
In the end, the advertisement shows a sanitation worker climbing down a sewer as the schoolboy explains that the people don't segregate dry and wet waste, and manual scavengers catch lethal diseases and sometimes, die during the process.