Palakkad (Kerala): A video showing a labrador playing volleyball has gone viral on social media platforms. The dog named Ceasar can be seen playing along with a bunch of boys in a water canal for irrigation. Mubeen, a student from Edathanattukara, owns the labrador.
COVID-19 protocols stop young sports enthusiasts from using public playgrounds, Mubeen and his friends recently ventured into the nearby canal nearby for playing volleyball. Caesar who accompanied Mubeen was quick to learn how to kick and smash the ball.
Meet Caesar the lab, Internet's favourite volleyballer However, when his whims catch on to him, Caesar scoots with the ball, leaving the boys redfaced. If he does not get the ball when he needs it, Caesar will create a ruckus until he gets it. Nevertheless, Mubeen and gang love to play volleyball with Caesar.
"I am fond of dogs since childhood. I started training him during the lockdown period and he too enjoyed it. Later, I took him to the canal where we play and he has started playing with all of us," Mubeen says. As Caesar has become a star on social media, people throng at the canal in Edathanattukara for a turn to play with him.
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