New Delhi: Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on Sunday launched a scathing attack on West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee for refusing to deliver her speech on Netaji Subash Chandra Bose's 125th birth anniversary as she was greeted with Jai Shree Ram slogans.
VHP national spokesperson Vinod Bansal called it an 'insult to Lord Ram' and said that Banerjee has hurt the religious sentiments of thousands of Lord Rama devotees.
Bansal said, "Mamata Banerjee is indulged in minority appeasement and she is misusing her political powers and prerogatives. Hindu community has understood that Bengal CM wants to make minorities first-class citizen to secure her vote banks. She has a soft stance for Islamic extremists and Rohangiyas and Bangladeshis but wants to make Hindus second class citizens."
He added, "Didi should have utilised yesterday's opportunity when Jai Shree Ram slogans by chanting it with the crowd. But she did not do that. Mamata Banerjee has not only insulted Lord Rama but also the Indian constitution. Indian constitution has a picture of Lord Rama's Darbar in its original copy."