New Delhi: After the Delhi Police on Friday released photographs of nine suspects identified for the violence at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) last week, naming mostly members of the Left-controlled students' union but giving few details on the attack by a masked mob on students and teachers on Sunday evening, Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn appealed everyone to "further the spirit of peace and brotherhood".
Devgn took to his Twitter handle to say that one should wait for proper facts to emerge while appealing everyone to further the spirit of peace and brotherhood
The tweet came a few days after the Bollywood actor was asked to express his views on the JNU attack, wherein he had said that he was not clear about what transpired inside the university campus on Sunday as news reports gave "conflicting" accounts.
Addressing a press conference, DCP (crime) Joy Tirkey disclosed nine names and also released their photographs.