New Delhi:The Mahila Congress on Friday said that it will distribute 25 lakh personal hygiene kits in Shramik Special trains ferrying migrants labourers to their native states as well as railway stations across the country.
Each hygiene kit with a sanitary napkin and a soap in a disposable bag will be distributed by the women's wing of the opposition Congress under its 'Garima' campaign to empower women to manage menstruation safely, hygienically, with confidence and without shame.
"The migrant crisis is worsening by each passing day. The disturbing visuals of the migrant workers on the roads on way to their native places are a chilling testimony to our insensitivity towards their plight. At the centre of this huge crisis are women and the apathy towards their needs is shocking," Mahila Congress President Sushmita Dev said in a statement here.
When the nationwide lockdown was imposed across the country from March midnight, a list of essential items was released by the government of India, which did not mention sanitary napkins explicitly.