New Delhi: On the occasion of International Plastic Bag Free Day, Ministry of Environment, Forest, Climate and Environment Change (MoEF&CC) says that we should all take a pledge to avoid using plastic bags. Plastic bags are found everywhere in food, water, land, etc and increase the pollution levels. This in turn is harmful to health.
"Let us take a pledge to reduce the use of plastic bags", MoEF&CC
On the occasion of International Plastic Bag Free Day, MoEF&CC talks of plastic pollution and to reduce it by making a pledge to say no to the use of plastic bags.
"Let us take a pledge to reduce the use of plastic bags", MoEF&CC
Let us all join hands together to work towards a better and a safer environment to breathe in.
Also Read: International Plastic Bag Free Day
Last Updated : Jul 3, 2020, 4:17 PM IST