New Delhi: President Ram Nath Kovind, Vice-President Venkaiah Naidu and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday greeted people on Parsi New Year, Navroz.
In a tweet, the Prime Minister prayed that the coming year is filled with happiness and prosperity.
"Navroz Mubarak! Greetings on Parsi New Year. India cherishes the outstanding contribution of the Parsi community, which has made a mark in a wide range of fields. May the coming year bring peace and prosperity in everyone's lives," the Prime Minister tweeted.
In a tweet, President Ram Nath Kovind said: "Navroz Mubarak! The contribution of the Parsi community in nation-building and development is a matter of inspiration and pride for all of us. May this festival of Parsi society based on the ideals of goodness in thoughts, words and deeds bring peace and prosperity to all."