New Delhi:The CBSE board officially reconfirmed about the examination that, there is no change in the position of holding board examinations as already announced on 1st Apr 2020 Press release.
CBSE reiterated that Class X examination will be conducted without any further doubt as planned. The CBSE board officially reconfirmed about the same on their official Twitter Page.
CBSE Press release on 1st April 2020 stated as, “With regard to rescheduling board examinations for classes 10 and 12, it is informed that at this stage it is difficult for the Board to decide and announce the new schedule for examinations. In this context, it is further informed that the Board will give notice of about 10 days to all stakeholders before starting the Board examinations.”
The examinations of all the subjects of class X and XII as mentioned in Press Release will be conducted after assessing the situation after the lockdown is over, it further added.