Many of us often confuse lactose intolerance and milk allergies as one and the same phenomenon, but they are actually two different problems. Lactose intolerance involves the digestive system, while the latter involves the immune system. We asked Dr. Ranganayakulu, PhD History of Ayurveda and he says, “Ayurveda praises milk as complete food for children and good for adults. Milk is our first food. Mother’s milk nourishes infants and remains a staple diet for most of us as we grow up. However, some people develop an inability to digest milk and other dairy products in either their childhood or later in life. This has become a mystery for us why we develop allergy to milk and dairy products. But we should know that milk allergy is different from lactose intolerance”.
Lactose Intolerance
Milk is essential for the growth of a human body and especially it contains calcium that is beneficial for our bone health and many other nutrients. But why do some people experience intolerance towards lactose, a sugar present in milk? Dr. Ranganayakulu explains, “The small intestine that produces the lactase enzyme,
deals with lactose. The production of lactase may reduce as one nears adulthood, leaving the lactose undigested.” This results in symptoms like:
- Stomach ache
- Flatulence/Gas
- Bloating
- Diarrhoea
However, many adults may not experience any symptoms. “We can test whether we suffer from this malady by a simple technique. Measure your blood sugar on an empty stomach and take one full glass of milk. After one or two hours, measure it again. If there is no big difference in both the readings, it indicates you are lactose intolerant”, he recommends.