Bengaluru(Karnataka):In the backdrop of Padarayanapura incident, Karnataka law minister JC Madhuswamy said the cabinet will promulgate an ordinance to ensure the protection of front line health workers in the state.
Hours after BBMP staff were heckled at Padarayanapura in Bengaluru when they reached the area to shift the secondary contacts of a COVID-19 patient to the quarantine facility, the law minister said legal proceeding will be initiated against under the Epidemic Act.
The locals here reportedly vandalised barricades and assaulted health workers when they were shifted to an institutional quarantine building leading to violence.
"The issue was discussed in the Cabinet meeting and the government will not tolerate any such incident. An ordinance will be issued in this regard in line with Uttar Pradesh and Kerala governments. Power will be vested with the cops and harsh punishment will be ensured", Madhuswamy told ETV Bharat.