Vijayawada: After the police seized nearly 283 liquor bottles from her vehicle near Jaggayyapeta of Krishna district on Wednesday, Ch Venkata Naga Varalakshmi, Trust Board member of Vijayawada's Kanaka Durga temple tendered her resignation, pending an official enquiry.
Ms Varalakshmi sent her resignation letter to the Trust Board's Chairman Paila Sominaidu, Trustees and the Executive Officer Suresh Babu, asserting that the liquor bottles (from Telangana) were being transported without her knowledge. She further stated that she would be resigning until the enquiry.
Kanaka Durga temple's trust board member resigns over liquor smuggling
After Andhra Pradesh Police seized liquor bottles from the vehicle of Ch Venkata Naga Varalakshmi, Trust Board member of Vijayawada's Kanaka Durga temple has tendered her resignation. Police have registered a case and four people have been arrested.
In a letter addressed to Durgagudi E.O. Sureshbabu and Chairman of Governing Body Paila Sominayudu, Varalakshmi said that she is not involved in the incident and it was completely driver's fault. It may be recalled that the police officials seized 283 bottles of Telangana liquor from a car used by Ms Varalakshmi near Jaggayyapeta area of Krishna district.
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Sources also revealed that her husband - Venkata Krishna Prasad often went to the neighbouring state of Telangana to purchase liquor and hence one of the reasons for the subsequent vehicle check. While a case was registered against the husband and the car driver - S Shiva, with Varalakshmi stating that the latter had taken the vehicle for refuelling, preliminary investigation revealed that Mr Prasad, reportedly, had no connection with the incident.
Varalakshmi's son and three others nabbed
On Friday, police have registered a case against four persons, including Ch Surya Prakash, who the son of Varalakshmi (resigned Trust Board member), in connection with the incident. The details were revealed to the media by Special Enforcement Bureau's Additional SP Vakul Jindal on Thursday.