Jaipur (Rajasthan): Following the Sunday protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) at the Jaipur Literature Festival, the event organizers issued a statement on Monday saying they had to ask the protestors to leave to ensure that the visitors could enjoy the festival seamlessly.
'Yesterday, while the venue was at full capacity, a few protesters who were not our speakers or invitees had to be asked to leave after they started sloganeering that was impairing the literary sessions, and for which we received complaints from our partners.
'It is not our wish to silence protests, but to ensure our visitors - students, older people, and international guests - can take in the diverse content and knowledge for which the festival is known,' the statement read.
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On Sunday, five people were detained for raising anti-CAA slogans after a session, police said. They were released following a warning to not repeat such acts in the future, the police added.