New Delhi: Janata Dal-United (JDU) President and Rajya Sabha member Ram Chandra Prasad Singh on Sunday said that the party will contest Delhi's Municipal Corporation polls (MCP), adding that the party is also exploring its options in the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabha elections. Singh made the announcement during a meeting with Bihar JD(U) chief Sanjay Jha, Delhi JD(U) Chief Dayanand Rai and other leaders.
RCP Singh told reporters, "If JD(U) contests MCD election in Delhi, it will strengthen its party and will also increase its dominance in the country. JD(U) is now focussed on increasing its party strength. If we want other leaders to join our party, we need to reinforce ourselves first. A final call on whether JD(U) and BJP will contest MCD polls in alliance or not will be taken later."