Patna: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Prem Ranjan Patel on Friday favoured enactment of legislation in Bihar against anti-conversion law, adding that its ally Janata Dal-United (JDU) should favour the law. The senior party member also asserted that anti-conversion law is needed in Bihar just like Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh did.
Talking to ETV Bharat, he said, "There is a need to curb forced religious conversions and innocent girls are forced to convert using fraudulent means. This menace needs to be rooted out and it will be desirable if Bihar comes out with legislation to prevent love jihad. BJP is concerned about the safety of women and nobody has the right to force conversions on someone on the pretext of getting married or in the name of love."
Asked about if JD(U) will support it or not, the leader reiterated that its ally should back the law and must help BJP to bring in a tough law to curb this menace. This is the need of the hour.