New Delhi: Senior Lok Janshakti Party (LJP) leader Rameshwar Chaurasia on Friday said that the condition of Janata Dal-United (JDU) has become similar to Telangana Desam Party (TDP) led by Chandrababu Naidu. He said, "TDP, a man army party, saw its downfall and JD(U) is also following its path."
LJP leader said that no one should be surprised on six Janata United Dal (JDU) leaders from Arunachal Pradesh joining BJP. The leader said that the JD(U) MLAs did so because the party has slipped to the third position in Bihar and won only 43 seats in the Bihar Assembly elections despite party supremo Nitish Kumar's incumbency in the state.
Chaurasia said, "The party is facing leadership crisis and Nitish Kumar has now become weak. The rebel MLAs must have thought that their future is secure with BJP. There is no one to look after the party after Nitish Kumar. No one should be taken aback if JD(U) weakens in Bihar just like in Arunachal Pradesh because BJP is a strong party."