Jammu: Director General of Border Security Force (BSF) SS Deswal visited forward areas along the International Border (IB) in Jammu frontier and reviewed the border domination plan, the border guarding force said on Monday.
Deswal, who arrived here on May 30 on a two-day visit, also reviewed the prevailing COVID-19 situation and advised the troops to indulge in physical activities for improved immunity to deal with the pandemic, a spokesperson of the BSF said.
Accompanied by Additional DG, S Panwar and Inspector General, Jammu frontier, N S Jamwal, he said that the DG BSF visited the critical areas of the entire border stretch and held discussions with the various sector and unit commanders besides police officers regarding border domination and other security measures being adopted.
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The IG BSF briefed the chief about the complexities of management of Jammu border under prevailing security scenario, while the field commanders apprised him about the various ongoing construction works on the border and constraints being faced during their implementation, the spokesperson said.