New Delhi: Minutes after BSP chief Mayawati launched a scathing personal attack on Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Union Minister Arun Jaitley lashed out at the opposition saying Mayawati has 'stooped to an all-time low' and that 'democracy has become a casualty' in Bengal under Mamata Banerjee.
Taking to twitter, Jaitley wrote, "This is what India’s Opposition has to offer to the Nation. Mamata Didi – Democracy has become a casualty in Bengal. Opposition workers are murdered, candidates are attacked, polling booths are captured and opposition leaders are not entitled to organise rallies."
"Behan Mayawati - She is firm on becoming Prime Minister. Her governance, ethics and discourse stoops to an all-time low. Her personal attack today on the Prime Minister exposes her as unfit for public life," he added.