Mumbai:Amid the ongoing controversy over the government's decision to confer him with the Padma Shri, singer Adnan Sami on Monday said that he has become a political target.
Sami thanked the government and his fans and said that the award "is a matter of pride" for him and his family.
Asked about the political storm over the award, Sami said, "I am not a politician, I am a musician... I have become a target of politics. Some people try to use me as a subject to create a stir, but otherwise as far as Citizenship Act is concerned, what my basic understanding is that it is meant for those minorities who were persecuted in the theocratic states of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh."
On a question related to his father, Sami said, "My father was a fighter pilot in Pakistan during the 1965 war. He was an honourable soldier. He served his duty for his country as a patriotic and professional soldier. He was honoured for his patriotism. In what part of the world is a son held responsible for his father's deeds. This does not happen anywhere. This award has been given to me for my art."