New Delhi: The finance ministry on Friday said a dedicated e-mail ID would be created to receive suggestions from industry bodies and experts on the Union Budget 2021-22, instead of physical pre-Budget consultations that have been happening over the years, owing to the pandemic situation.
Also, the government''s ''MyGov'' portal would provide a platform to receive ideas from public on the upcoming Budget and would remain open from November 15 to 30.
Over the years, the ministry has been holding pre-budget consultations in North Block with industry associations, trade bodies and experts to seek ideas for the annual budget.
"Owing to the pandemic situation, the ministry has received suggestions from various quarters for holding pre-budget consultations in a different format. It has accordingly been decided to create a dedicated e-mail to receive suggestions from various institutions and experts," the ministry said in a statement.
It added that a specific communication to this effect will be sent shortly.