New Delhi: A day after the national carrier Air India said that its crew members which helped fly Indians back home during the coronavirus crisis were being ostracised by their communities, budget airline IndiGo on Monday said that there have been cases of its employees facing the same situation due to their duty and travel history.
The airline sought support of the public towards its operating staff during such a difficult time.
"There are some instances when our employees have been ostracised from their communities as a result of their line of duty and travel history," said an IndiGo statement.
It noted that IndiGo employees are supporting passengers who have to travel during these days and the airline has taken every possible precaution for their crew members' protection from infection during their duties.
"We have adequate protocols for self-quarantine in place in case its required. We are in line with respect to the DGCA guidelines and all advisories/guidelines issued, and these are being followed rigorously."
The airline noted that as the nation gave a standing ovation to the "heroes" for their fight against this pandemic on March 22, its operational crew, in all areas, play an "equally important" role to keep vital services intact.