New Delhi: Union Minister VK Singh on Thursday said that the admission of Pakistan Federal Minister Fawad Chaudhry of his government's role in Pulwama terror attack vindicates India's stand that it took in the beginning after the attack.
"I would like to thank him for admitting the truth concerning Pulwama terror attack. We had said right in the beginning that all the leads point towards Pakistan. The government of India subsequently took action against the terrorists that were harboured in Pakistan," VK Singh said.
"I am sure our government will utilise this admission by Pakistan to tell the world that Pakistan needs to be blacklisted by FATF and that nobody should give aid to Pakistan," he added.
Singh further attacked the opposition leaders who questioned the government of India after the Pulwama terror attack and called them as being anti-India.
"As far as the opposition is concerned, they have the right to question the government but when they start showing love towards a country which is sponsoring terrorism in your country, how do you classify such persons? I would classify them as being anti-India," he said.
"The political parties need to rethink as to what they are doing. These are the same people who try to create a narrative of 'saffron terrorism'. Unfortunately, we have not done anything against him. We should use all the laws that are available to curb such activities," he added.
He further attacked those who are questioning India's stand vis-a-vis China and said, "The Chinese grease a lot of the palms. If leaders are spokespersons for China, then they should not live here and seek some other place."