New Delhi:India's Human Development Index or HDI position has marginally dropped after improving last year. In the latest UNDP's HDI ranking, India stands at 131. Last year India's ranking was 129.
HDR is UNDP's annual assessment of the state of human development worldwide and includes the Human Development Index (HDI), which measures individual countries' progress.
However, UNDP officials say this doesn't mean India didn't do well but others did better. UNDP Resident Representative Shoko Noda in fact praised India's commitment to reduce carbon emission and said that India can help other countries too.
However, they agreed there's room for India for further improvements, in a webinar organized by the UNDP.
This year, with COVID around, the report introduces a new index by the name of PHDI. The planetary pressures- adjusted HDI (PHDI) retains the simplicity and clarity of the original HDI while accounting for some of the complex system-level dynamics discussed throughout the report.