New Delhi: Recoveries among COVID-19 patients in the country surged to 20,96,664 on Thursday, pushing India's recovery rate to 73.91 per cent, while only 0.28 per cent people of 6,86,395 active cases are on ventilator support, the Union health ministry said.
Of the active cases of coronavirus infection, 1.92 per cent are in ICU and 2.62 per cent on oxygen support. The country's case fatality rate has further declined to 1.90 per cent, it said.
Recovery of 20,96,664 patients has been made possible because of effective implementation of the policy of testing aggressively, tracking comprehensively and treating efficiently, the ministry said in a statement.
In the last 24 hours, India conducted 9,18,470 COVID tests across the country taking the total number to 3.25 crore.
India's COVID tests per million population has also increased to 24,668. Rapid testing has also decreased the COVID positivity rate to 7.58 per cent from 8.95 per cent in the first week of August.
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