New Delhi: India on Thursday launched the third phase of Vande Bharat Mission after over 165,000 Indians returned to the country under the first two phases of the mega evacuation exercise.
Spokesperson in the Ministry of External Affairs Anurag Srivastava said the third phase of the mission will last till July 2, and a total of 432 international flights will evacuate Indians from 43 countries.
He said 29 flights from private carriers including 24 from IndiGo and three from GoAir will also operate under the third phase of the Vande Bharat Mission.
"This has widened our reach by including more countries, increasing the number of entry points, by expanding on the number of connecting flights and using hub and spoke model at both ends," he said at an online media briefing.
Srivastava said the number of flights from the US and Canada have also been increased given the huge demand.
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"There are 53 flights from the USA and 24 flights from Canada. We would also have 16 flights each from Paris and Frankfurt which are to be used as hubs in Europe. There are 170 flights from GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) countries," he said.