New Delhi:Minister of State for External Affairs V Muraleedharan on Tuesday said that India provided assistance in the form of medicines and medical equipment, to over 150 countries, including grants-in-aid valued at around Rs 80 crore to 82 countries.
The list of countries includes- China, Israel, Iran, Italy, Bhutan, Afghanistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Kuwait to name a few.
He was responding to a question in Rajyasabha from BJP leader DR Vinay.P Sahasrabuddhe on the number of countries to whom India has provided medical and other assistance in the fight against COVID-19.
“Ministry of External Affairs also assisted foreign governments with approvals for the export of essential medicines in the fight against coronavirus. In addition, India sent Rapid Response Medical teams to help some countries in their fight against the pandemic”, Muraleedharan wrote in his reply.
Replying to another question, also from MP Vinay. P Sahasrabuddhe, on whether India has received any such assistance from other countries to fight against COVID-19, Minister of state for external affairs said that India received assistance from a few countries including Japan, USA, France, Germany and Israel in the form of medical equipment and grants-in-aid.
According to sources, Muraleedharan further said that the Indian Prime Minister visited 58 countries since 2015 and the total expenditure of the visit was Rs 517.82 crore.
In a written reply to another question in Rajyasabha from CPI MP Binoy Viswam on when did Government first receive information from the US Government about the planned visit of US President to India, the ministry, “Dates for the state visit of his Excellency Donald J.Trump, President of the United States to India on 24-25 February 2020wase decided in mutual consultation by the respective governments. The visit was the announcement by the Government on 11 February 2020”.