New Delhi:India on Thursday hits out at Pakistan during the ongoing 45th session of UN Human Rights Council at Geneva for its remarks on Kashmir issue.
Exercising Right of Reply at HRC45 at Geneva in response to the mendacious statement by Pakistan, Indian diplomat Vimarsh Aryan said, “In these extraordinary times of pandemic when everyone is putting on a mask for the safety and protection of fellow human beings, Pakistan, unfortunately, is using another kind of pernicious mask to masquerade as a champion of human rights that it itself violates egregiously by torturing and persecuting minorities."
He asserted that Human rights are meant for human beings but it defeats common sense to see how the deep state of Pakistan, on one hand, pretends to speak for the rights of human beings while at the same time it has unleashed state-sponsored cross border terrorism against India.
It is ruthlessly targeting innocent lives, adding to which he said, “It is high time for this Council and the international community to address the irony where a failed state like Pakistan with no regard whatsoever for values and culture of democracy dares to preach an open and transparent democratic system like India".
Aryan, First Secretary, India’s permanent mission to United Nation’s Office at Geneva, accused the neighbouring country of misusing the council and its mechanism to distract the attention of international community from serious human rights violations committed by it and for establishing its narrow political agenda against India.
“It is very unfortunate to witness incessant and insensible ranting by Pakistan on issues that are extraneous to the mandate of this Council and which relate to the internal affairs of India. Pakistan’s sole objective as a member of this council is to distract the attention of international community from serious human rights violations committed by it against its own people, and in Indian territories occupied by it”, he said.
Also Read:India slams Pakistan, Turkey and OIC for raking up Kashmir issue at UNHRC