Balasore: India on Friday successfully conducted a night trial of the indigenously developed nuclear-capable Prithvi-2 missile as part of a user trial by the Army from a test range in Odisha, defence sources said.
The state-of-the-art surface-to-surface missile blasted off around 7.30 pm from launch complex 3 of the Integrated Test Range (ITR) at Chandipur near Balasore and the trial was successful, they said.
The last trial of Prithvi-2, carried out after sunset on September 23 from the same base, was also successful. The trial of the missile, which has a strike range of
350 km, was carried out from a mobile launcher, a Defence Research and Development (DRDO) official said.
"The missile trajectory was tracked by radars,electro-optical tracking systems and telemetry stations by the DRDO along the coast of Odisha," he said.
The missile was randomly chosen from the production stock and the entire launch activity was carried out by the Strategic Force Command (SFC) of the Army and monitored by scientists of the DRDO as part of a training exercise, defence sources said.