New Delhi: Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla on Thursday said that social distancing norms will be strictly followed in the monsoon session of Parliament because of COVID-19 pandemic and 257 MPs of the House will sit in Lok Sabha chamber, 172 in the visitors gallery and the remaining members in the Rajya Sabha chamber and its gallery.
Both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha will have sittings on the same day with one house meeting in the morning and the other in the afternoon. It is the first time in the history of Parliament that the two Houses will have such sitting and different scheduled timing for their meetings.
Addressing a press conference, Birla said the sound system of both houses has been integrated for members to participate in the session.
"A total of 257 members will sit in Lok Sabha chamber and 172 in the visitors gallery of Lok Sabha. In Rajya Sabha chamber there are arrangements of 60 MPs whereas 51 can sit in the visitors gallery of Rajya Sabha. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha session will go on consecutively. Both houses will have screens for both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha proceedings. There are arrangements of having a virtual address in Lok Sabha. The sound system has been integrated of both houses for all to participate in the session," he said.
Read:|Rajya Sabha Deputy Chairperson to be elected on September 14
The Speaker said that sanitisation will be done on regular basis.
"All employees and officials too will be tested. All members will have to go for RT-PCR COVID-19 test. Attendance of parliamentarians will be recorded through a mobile app. There will be fibre sheets separating their seats and those in visitors gallery will need to go to the podium on their turn to speak. Lok Sabha MPs sitting in the Rajya Sabha will have the option to use the sound system as it has been integrated for both houses," he added.
Birla said that parliamentarians and officials will try to limit the use of paper and go digital.
"The proceedings of Lok Sabha for the monsoon session will begin from 9 am on September 14. The session will be conducted in two intervals-- from 9 am to 1 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm. Zero hour will be for 30 minutes. We will try to minimise the use of paper and instead go digital," he said.
The monsoon session will commence from September 14 and conclude on October 1 without any day off.
Birla announced that 62 per cent of work regarding parliament was being done digitally and it will be 100 per cent eventually.