New Delhi: The CBI on Friday conducted searches at 15 locations in Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh, including the premises of some senior officers of Karnataka Police, in connection with the I-Monetary Advisory (IMA) ponzi scam, officials said.
Multidisciplinary teams of the agency carried out searches at 11 places in Bengaluru and one each in Mandya, Ramanagara, Belagavi and one place in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh, they said.
The team comprised of chartered accountants, forensic auditors, computer forensic experts, bankers and officials from various other regulatory departments, the officials said.
The searches were conducted at residences of then inspector general Economic Offences Wing Crime Investigation Department, Hemant Nimbalkar, deputy superintendents of police CID EB Sridhara, then deputy commissioner of police East Bengaluru Ajay Hilory, inspector and station house officer Commercial Street Police Station, M Ramesh, then sub-inspector of the Commercial Street police station Gowri Shankar, then ACP Bengaluru North Sub Division and competent authority under KPID Act LC Nagaraj, then DCO Bengaluru Urban District BM Vijayshankar.
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Residence of then village accountant Bengaluru North Sub Division Manjunatha, then chief manager Bangalore Development Authority PD Kumar were also searched, they said.
The agency alleged these public servants had conducted inquiries against the IMA group entities, furnished favourable reports and had given clean chits to entities of IMA, as a result, no action was initiated against the company, which let the fraud continue unhindered, the officials said.
The agency said the Reserve Bank of India repeatedly flagged the issue about unauthorised collections and raising of deposits by the IMA group at the state level coordination committee meetings and had also written several letters to various authorities in Karnataka.