New Delhi:The Indian Commercial Pilots' Association (ICPA) on Friday requested the Chairman of Air India (AI) for his intervention against "illegal pilots termination" after the request for withdrawal of resignation of 48 pilots was not accepted by the personnel department of AI.
"Pilots who tendered their resignations as far back as July 2019 but later withdrew them well within the mandatory 6 months' notice period have nevertheless been relieved from service suddenly starting from 10 pm on August 13, 2020. The crew was not informed of the acceptance of resignation," ICPA said in its letter to the AI Chairman.
The ICPA further said that a pilot was made to operate an AI flight on August 14 after he was terminated.
"A pilot was made to operate AI 804/506 of August 14. In this case, were the crew, passengers, and aircraft insurance valid? The pilots who operated these flights were not technically employees of AI from the close of office on August 13. This is a violation of comical proportion, not to mention a grave flight safety hazard. What would have been the mental state of these pilots after knowing their services were terminated?" it said.