New Delhi: The Indian Air Force (IAF) on Tuesday said that were in possession of credible information and evidence, which shows MiG-21 Bison shooting down F-16 fighter plane of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) on February 27.
IAF has clear evidence of shooting down F16
Briefing the media, Air Vice Marshal RGK Kapoor said that the IAF has more credible information and evidence that is clearly indicative of the fact that Pakistan Air Force had lost one F-16 during the dog fight on February 27.
However, due to security and confidentiality concerns, they restricted the information being shared in the public domain.
"There is no doubt that two aircraft went down in the aerial engagement on February 27, among which one was a MiG-21 Bison of IAF while the other was an F-16 of PAF, conclusively identified by its electronic signatures and radio transcripts," added Kapoor.
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