New Delhi: While the nation is battling to contain COVID-19 spread amid the lockdown, the Indian Air Force (IAF) under 'Har Kaam Desh Ke Naam' initiative airlifted 3 tonnes of essential raw material for the production of personal protection equipment (PPE) from Mumbai to Bangalore.
The task was completed in support of the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to facilitate expeditious production of PPEs in the Karnataka region.
"One AN-32 aircraft of IAF airlifted 3.0T of essential raw material for production of Personal Protection Equipment(PPE) from Mumbai to Bangalore on April 8. The task was completed in support of DRDO to facilitate expeditious production of PPE in Karnataka region," the IAF tweeted.
With 547 new positive COVID-19 cases reported in the last 12 hours, India's tally of positive coronavirus cases crossed the 6,000 mark as the number of cases rose to 6,412.