Hyderabad: Following appeals from various sections, Hyderabad police have released nearly 34,000 two-wheelers which were seized for lockdown violations since March 23.
Hyderabad Police Commissioner Anjani Kumar on Monday tweeted that the police have released the bikes in the last few days.
"Hyd Police have released bikes in the last few days. East Zone 9,000 plus West Zone. 13,000 plus South Zone 8,000 plus North Zone 1,700 Central Zone 2,200," he tweeted.
The top cop, however, cautioned the vehicle owners that restrictions still remain in force and asked them to remain indoors and follow the restrictions to fight Coronavirus.
Telangana police have so far seized over 1.5 lakh vehicles for violation of Covid-19 lockdown. Nearly 1.4 lakh of the seized vehicles are two-wheelers.
Most of the vehicles were seized in Hyderabad, Cyberabad and Racakonda police commissionerates, which cover Hyderabad and surroundings.
Taking care of such a large number of vehicles had also become a big headache for the police. The impounded vehicles were kept not just at the police stations but also in school compounds, parks, private garages and even in open places.
Police had been confiscating bikes of all those stepping out without any reason. Bikes caught beyond the three-kilometer distance from the residence of the riders are also being seized. Since only one person is allowed on a two-wheeler, vehicles with pillion riders were also confiscated.