Shimla(Himachal Pradesh): Political tug of war has begun in Himachal Pradesh after Minister's wife filed a complaint with the Chandigarh Police on Monday alleging that theft of Rs 2.5 lakh has taken place from the government vehicle she was using to visit a beauty parlor in Chandigarh.
The complaint was filed by Rajni Thakur, wife of Govind Singh Thakur, Minister of Forest, Transport, Youth Services and Sports in the Jai Ram Thakur government.
Targeting the Minister, his wife, and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government, the Congress said how come she was carrying Rs 2.5 lakh with her? The theft also became part of social media exchanges.
"Prime Minister Narendra Modi talks about digital transactions then why a BJP Minister's wife is carrying Rs 2.5 lakh with her," said Himachal Congress leader Asha Kumari on Wednesday.