In order to curb sugar cravings during lockdown, Ms Divya Gupta, Consultant Nutritionist and Diabetes Educator is suggesting the following:-
- Sipping water instead of sugary drinks.
- Limit unnecessary snacking and excess calories.
Ms Divya further says, "A lot of time you’ll find yourself searching your fridge for something full of sugar and carbs because you want to eat something but in reality you’re not hungry and all you needed was a glass of water"
Protein-rich food
Protein rich food gives you a feeling of satiety like boiled eggs, cottage cheese ( paneer) ,tofu, beans, fat free yogurt , chicken breast ,etc
Drink apple cider vinegar(ACV)
Daily intake of ACV reduces blood sugar Levels. Add one or two tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar to a large bottle of water and drink it gradually throughout the day. This will help reduce your sugar cravings to an extent.